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Elder man hugging a woman from behind by Arizona Vein & Laser Institute
  • Baby Boomers who will reach the age of 65 or more between the years 2011-2030 are steadily increasing in number – this age group is at risk and comprises 20% of the U.S. Population.
  • Within this time frame it is estimated that 9.6 to 16 million of these Baby Boomers will have PAD, that’s 20% of the U.S. Population. By 2050, when the US is at 400 million people, the at risk population will still be 20% of the total population, which means that the numbers are growing.
  • By then, the total number with PAD could be as high as 19 million of these Baby Boomers!
  • Despite its prevalence and despite the cardiovascular risk implications of PAD, only approximately 25% of patients with PAD are undergoing some kind of treatment, according to industry estimates.
  • According to the Boston Scientific, this statistic is not surprising considering that studies and surveys continue to report that the general population is unaware of this condition and that primary care physicians (PCPs) are not well informed about PAD prevention, early detection, and management.

References: Boston Scientific. Becker, GJ, et al. The Importance of Increasing Public and Physician Awareness of Peripheral Arterial Disease. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2002; 13[1];7-11