Why Should You Use Compression Stockings
Compression stockings are a special kind of elastic hosiery that helps support healthy blood circulation and also helps prevent a variety of health conditions, including:
The pressure that these stockings put on your lower extremities, around your ankles and legs, compresses the surface arteries and veins, which in turn helps the vein valves function properly where the blood can flow back to your heart without obstructions.
How to Use the Stockings Properly
Dr. Sharma and his staff will tell you that it’s extremely important to put on compression stockings in the morning before you lower your legs and get out of bed.
They’ll educate you that sleeping in a horizontal position makes your vein valves function more effectively than when sitting or standing. When you’re in a vertical standing position, gravity kicks in, and blood flow is compromised due to the damaged valves. That’s why your ankles and calves usually feel fine in the morning upon waking up and get swollen and heavy as the day progresses, making you feel as if you’re dragging your legs with chronic conditions.
Therefore the benefits of putting on compression stockings in the morning will keep the valves in the right position to support healthy blood circulation in your legs during the day.
However, if you’ve already passed the stage and have developed a vein-related condition, compression stockings can help alleviate symptoms such as:
- Swollen ankles
- Heavy or aching legs
- Fatigue and pain
- Restless legs
- Night cramps
Additional Research
Compression stockings can provide many additional benefits, especially in situations that aggravate venous conditions such as:
- Prolonged standing or sitting in a profession that requires this
- Traveling on a long flight with limited leg room
- Pregnancy
Studies also showed that calf-length compression stockings can reduce or prevent evening swelling. The researchers recommended that people who sit or stand for long periods of time in their profession should wear compression stockings for prevention or to alleviate the symptoms.
Please call any of our 6 locations and we’ll be happy to schedule you for a free consultation as well as prescribe the right type of Compression Stockings for your treatment.
Scottsdale 480-597-7231 | Chandler 480-361-4444 | Glendale 602-298-8346
Surprise 623-266-7737 | Avondale 623-249-2710 | Phoenix 602-730-3519
Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/compression-stockings-for-varicose-veins#uses